A tutorial on how to use Eclipse with Github.
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How to use Eclipse with GitHub

This is a tutorial on how to use Eclipse with GitHub.


I've created this repository/tutorial a few years ago. Although it shows a valid way to use Eclipse with GitHub, I would always prefer an external Git client (e.g., GitKraken) these days.


The latest version of Eclipse can be downloaded from here and of course a GitHub account is needed.

First Step: Install EGit in Eclipse

For uploading code from Eclipse, the egit-plugin is needed.

  • In Eclipse, go to Help/Install new Software....
  • Paste http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates in Work with: and click Add.
  • Select all of the options and click Next.
  • Accept all of the license agreements and finish the installation.


Create a public DSA key in Eclipse

For the authentification with GitHub, it is neccessary to create a secure key which is known by the local Eclipse installation and the GitHub service.

  • In Eclipse, go to Preferences/General/Network Connections/SSH2.
  • Select Key Management.
  • Click on Generate DSA Key....

Create a DSA key

  • At the bottom of the window, type in a secret passphrase.
  • Click on Save Private Key... and save the file at a well known location.

Register your DSA key with GitHub

  • Open your previous generated file with a text editor (e.g., Notepad or SublimeText) and copy the whole text to your clipboard (CTRL+C/CMD+C).
  • On the GitHub page go to your Settings/SSH and GPG keys.
  • Click on New SSH key.
  • Select a title of your choice and paste the previous copied text from your clipboard into the Key field (CTRL+V/CMD+V).
  • Click on Add SSH key.

Add the DSA key

Create a new repository on GitHub

  • On GitHub click on New repository and give the new repository a name.
  • Do not select the option Initialize this repository with a README.
  • Click on Create repository.

Create a new repository on GitHub

Import the GitHub repository in Eclipse

  • In Eclipse, go to Window/Show View/Other....
  • Select Git/Git Repositories.
  • A new view should appear.
  • Click on Clone a Git repository.
  • Paste your repository URL from GitHub in the URL field (be sure to copy the ssh URL from the repository page on GitHub with something like git@github.com at the beginnig).

Copy the link of the repository

  • Select ssh as Protocol.
  • Click Next (there is no authentification needed).

Clone Git repository

  • Click Next again.
  • Click Finish.
  • When you close the message of the Git repository from GitHub, you should define a repository location (e.g., in your home folder on your system) if Eclipse prompts you to do so.
  • You should now have a Git view of your repositories (probably just one).

Git repo view

You have to link your Eclipse projects with your GitHub repository to push data to GitHub.

  • Right click on your project Team/Share Project....
  • Select your repository and click Finish.

Configure Git repository

Upload source files to GitHub

  • Click on your repository (in the repository-view).
  • Drag all entries from the field Unstaged Changes(n) to the field Staged Changes(m).
  • Write a nice Commit Message like This is my first commit.
  • Click Commit and Push....

Commit and push...

  • Click Next.

Push branch master 1

  • Click Finish.

Push branch master 2

  • Eclipse prompts you with a message that the data is pushed.
  • Click OK.

Push completed

The end

The upload of your project to GitHub is finished. You can now open the repository on GitHub and check your source files.

Your source files on GitHub



This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for more details.