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Upgrade Debian 11 to 12

The upgrade of the underlying OS gets carried out manually (i.e., without the help of Terraform or Ansible).


  • Create a backup of the whole system, e.g., using the Hetzner cloud backup mechanism.
  • Change all apt repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* from bullseye to bookworm.
    • non-free was changed to non-free-firmware.
  • $ apt update
  • $ apt full-upgrade
    • If the systems asks to configure iperf3 as automatic service startup, select no.
    • If the systems asks to restart services without manual interaction, select yes.
    • If the systems asks to decide on how to handle updated config files in /etc/*, choose N (= keep your currently-installed version).
  • $ apt autoremove to clean up old packages.
  • Reboot.
  • (Obviously) Check if all services are up and running correctly.
  • Adapt the Terraform configuration, i.e., change the base image of the system from debian-11 to debian-12.
    • Be careful when re-running Terraform because it usually wants to recreate the whole system. This can be ommitted by configuring the respective Terraform resource to ignore this specific attribute when considering rebuilding.
  • Adapt the Ansible confguration.
  • Adapt all necessary information in Ansible roles, e.g., it is necessary to update bullseye to bookworm in apt repositories.