#!/bin/bash set -e set -o pipefail SCRIPT="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)/$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" REPO_URL="${REPO_URL:-r.j3ss.co}" JOBS=${JOBS:-2} ERRORS="$(pwd)/errors" build_and_push(){ base=$1 suite=$2 build_dir=$3 echo "Building ${REPO_URL}/${base}:${suite} for context ${build_dir}" docker build --rm --force-rm -t "${REPO_URL}/${base}:${suite}" "${build_dir}" || return 1 # on successful build, push the image echo " --- " echo "Successfully built ${base}:${suite} with context ${build_dir}" echo " --- " # try push a few times because notary server sometimes returns 401 for # absolutely no reason n=0 until [ $n -ge 5 ]; do docker push --disable-content-trust=false "${REPO_URL}/${base}:${suite}" && break echo "Try #$n failed... sleeping for 15 seconds" n=$((n+1)) sleep 15 done # also push the tag latest for "stable" (chrome), "tools" (wireguard) or "3.5" tags for zookeeper if [[ "$suite" == "stable" ]] || [[ "$suite" == "3.6" ]] || [[ "$suite" == "tools" ]]; then docker tag "${REPO_URL}/${base}:${suite}" "${REPO_URL}/${base}:latest" docker push --disable-content-trust=false "${REPO_URL}/${base}:latest" fi } dofile() { f=$1 image=${f%Dockerfile} base=${image%%\/*} build_dir=$(dirname "$f") suite=${build_dir##*\/} if [[ -z "$suite" ]] || [[ "$suite" == "$base" ]]; then suite=latest fi { $SCRIPT build_and_push "${base}" "${suite}" "${build_dir}" } || { # add to errors echo "${base}:${suite}" >> "$ERRORS" } echo echo } main(){ # get the dockerfiles IFS=$'\n' mapfile -t files < <(find -L . -iname '*Dockerfile' | sed 's|./||' | sort) unset IFS # build all dockerfiles echo "Running in parallel with ${JOBS} jobs." parallel --tag --verbose --ungroup -j"${JOBS}" "$SCRIPT" dofile "{1}" ::: "${files[@]}" if [[ ! -f "$ERRORS" ]]; then echo "No errors, hooray!" else echo "[ERROR] Some images did not build correctly, see below." >&2 echo "These images failed: $(cat "$ERRORS")" >&2 exit 1 fi } run(){ args=$* f=$1 if [[ "$f" == "" ]]; then main "$args" else $args fi } run "$@"