Carlos Sanchez d6d849139e
Some checks failed
amazoncorretto-17-windowsservercore / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-17 / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-21-al2023 / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-21-debian / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-8-al2023 / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-21 / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-8-debian / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-11-al2023 / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-11-debian / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-11-windowsservercore / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-11 / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-17-al2023 / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-17-debian / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-8-windowsservercore / build (push) Has been cancelled
amazoncorretto-8 / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-11-alpine / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-11-debian / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-11-windowsservercore / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-11 / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-17-alpine / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-17-debian / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-21-alpine / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-21-debian / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-21 / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-8 / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-11-alpine / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-11-focal / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-17-windowsservercore / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-17 / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-8-alpine / build (push) Has been cancelled
azulzulu-8-debian / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-11 / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-17-alpine / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-17-focal / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-17 / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-21 / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-22-alpine / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-22-jammy / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-22 / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-8-alpine / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-8-focal / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-8 / build (push) Has been cancelled
graalvm-community-17 / build (push) Has been cancelled
ibm-semeru-11-focal / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-21-alpine / build (push) Has been cancelled
eclipse-temurin-21-jammy / build (push) Has been cancelled
graalvm-community-21 / build (push) Has been cancelled
ibm-semeru-17-focal / build (push) Has been cancelled
ibm-semeru-21-jammy / build (push) Has been cancelled
ibmjava-8 / build (push) Has been cancelled
libericaopenjdk-11-alpine / build (push) Has been cancelled
libericaopenjdk-11-debian / build (push) Has been cancelled
libericaopenjdk-17-alpine / build (push) Has been cancelled
libericaopenjdk-17-debian / build (push) Has been cancelled
libericaopenjdk-8-alpine / build (push) Has been cancelled
libericaopenjdk-8-debian / build (push) Has been cancelled
microsoft-openjdk-11-ubuntu / build (push) Has been cancelled
microsoft-openjdk-17-ubuntu / build (push) Has been cancelled
microsoft-openjdk-21-ubuntu / build (push) Has been cancelled
openjdk-11-windowsservercore / build (push) Has been cancelled
openjdk-8-windowsservercore / build (push) Has been cancelled
openjdk-11-nanoserver / build (push) Has been cancelled
openjdk-8-nanoserver / build (push) Has been cancelled
oracle-graalvm-17 / build (push) Has been cancelled
oracle-graalvm-21 / build (push) Has been cancelled
sapmachine-11 / build (push) Has been cancelled
sapmachine-17 / build (push) Has been cancelled
sapmachine-21 / build (push) Has been cancelled
sapmachine-22 / build (push) Has been cancelled
chore: prepare docs and tests for maven 4
2024-08-21 14:18:24 +02:00

73 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu
set -o pipefail
pattern="# common for all images"
# we need gnu-sed on macos
if prefix="$(brew --prefix gnu-sed 2>&1)" && [ -d "${prefix}/libexec/gnubin" ]; then
for dir in "${all_dirs[@]}"; do
if [[ "$dir" == *"windows"* ]] || [[ "$dir" == *"nanoserver"* ]]; then
if [[ "$dir" != "$from" ]]; then
cp $from/mvn-entrypoint.ps1 "$dir/"
cp $from/settings-docker.xml "$dir/"
if [[ "$dir" != "$from" ]]; then
# remove everything after the 'common for all images' line
sed "/^${pattern}$/q" "$dir/Dockerfile" | sponge "$dir/Dockerfile"
# copy from the main Dockerfile template the common lines
tail +2 Dockerfile-template >>"$dir/Dockerfile"
# Generate GihHub action workflows
# Download windows jdks, update hash and JAVA_HOME
find . -iname Dockerfile -exec grep -Hl "ARG uri=" {} \; | while read -r file; do
uri=$(grep "ARG uri=" "$file" | sed -e 's/ARG uri=//')
zip=$(grep "ARG zip=" "$file" | sed -e 's/ARG zip=//')
hash=$(grep "ARG hash=" "$file" | sed -e 's/ARG hash=//')
if ! [ -f "/tmp/$zip" ]; then
echo "Downloading: $uri/$zip"
curl -sSLf -o "/tmp/$zip" "$uri/$zip"
IFS=" " read -r -a new_hash <<<"$(sha256sum "/tmp/$zip")"
echo "$file $uri/$zip $hash ${new_hash[0]}"
sed -i -e "s/ARG hash=.*/ARG hash=${new_hash[0]}/" "$file"
echo "Extracting JAVA_HOME from $zip"
if ! java_home="$( (unzip -t "/tmp/$zip" || true) | grep -m 1 "testing: " | sed -e 's#.*testing: \(.*\)/.*#\1#')"; then
echo >&2 "Failed to extract JAVA_HOME"
exit 1
echo "Found JAVA_HOME for $zip: $java_home"
sed -i -e "s#JAVA_HOME=C.*#JAVA_HOME=C:/ProgramData/${java_home}#" "$file"
echo "Generating stackbrew"
./ >"${OFFICIAL_IMAGES_DIR}/library/maven"
echo "Running naughty"
pushd "${OFFICIAL_IMAGES_DIR}" >/dev/null
naughty_output=$(./ maven)
if [ -n "${naughty_output}" ]; then
printf "Naughty errors:\n%s\n" "${naughty_output}" >&2
exit 1
popd >/dev/null
echo Done, you can submit a PR now to