Maximilian Kratz eeb29be95b Adds a Woodpecker Agent with LXC support as systemd service
Adds missing plugin-git binary
Adds autostart to Woodpecker agent LXC systemd service
Use woodpecker-forgejo-server image
Adds platform label to agent
Always restart the systemd service
Re-add Docker-based Woodpecker agent
Changes agent image to forgejo one + explicitely set the backend to use
plugin-git: Always download latest release from GitHub
Typo in name
2023-02-05 13:03:23 +01:00

37 lines
556 B

- name: Install apt packages
- ncdu
- htop
- iftop
- iotop
- neofetch
- git
- dnsutils
- nload
- mtr-tiny
- vnstat
- tmux
- bmon
- iperf
- iperf3
- curl
- wget
- rsync
- build-essential
- gnupg2
- nmap
- speedtest-cli
- sshfs
- tldr
- tree
- net-tools
- edac-utils
- silversearcher-ag
- whois
- fio
- lm-sensors
- dos2unix
- jq