alzeha ce49d61b11
Intermediate (#3)
very first working version
2024-02-23 17:57:21 +01:00

271 lines
8.3 KiB

* This file is a part of the TChecker project.
* See files AUTHORS and LICENSE for copyright details.
#if BOOST_VERSION <= 106600
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
#include <boost/container_hash/hash.hpp>
#include "tchecker/ta/state.hh"
#include "tchecker/utils/allocation_size.hh"
#include "tchecker/utils/shared_objects.hh"
#include "tchecker/zg/zone.hh"
\file state.hh
\brief State of a zone graph
namespace tchecker {
namespace zg {
\brief Type of shared zone, DBM implementation
using shared_zone_t = tchecker::make_shared_t<tchecker::zg::zone_t>;
\brief Type of shared pointer to zone, DBM implementation
using zone_sptr_t = tchecker::intrusive_shared_ptr_t<tchecker::zg::shared_zone_t>;
\class state_t
\brief state of a zone graph
class state_t : public tchecker::ta::state_t {
\brief Constructor
\param vloc : tuple of locations
\param intval : integer variables valuation
\param zone : zone of clock valuations
\pre vloc, intval and zone must not point to nullptr (checked by assertion)
explicit state_t(tchecker::intrusive_shared_ptr_t<tchecker::shared_vloc_t> const & vloc,
tchecker::intrusive_shared_ptr_t<tchecker::shared_intval_t> const & intval,
tchecker::intrusive_shared_ptr_t<tchecker::zg::shared_zone_t> const & zone);
\brief Partial copy constructor
\param state : a state
\param vloc : tuple of locations
\param intval : integer variables valuation
\param zone : zone of clock valuations
\pre vloc, intval and zone must not point to nullptr (checked by assertion)
\note the state is copied from s, except the tuple of locations which is
initialized from vloc, and the valuation of bounded integer variables which
is initialized from intval, and the zone which is initialized from zone
state_t(tchecker::ta::state_t const & s, tchecker::intrusive_shared_ptr_t<tchecker::shared_vloc_t> const & vloc,
tchecker::intrusive_shared_ptr_t<tchecker::shared_intval_t> const & intval,
tchecker::intrusive_shared_ptr_t<tchecker::zg::shared_zone_t> const & zone);
\brief Copy constructor (deleted)
state_t(tchecker::zg::state_t const &) = delete;
\brief Move constructor
state_t(tchecker::zg::state_t &&) = default;
\brief Destructor
~state_t() = default;
\brief Assignment operator (deleted)
tchecker::zg::state_t & operator=(tchecker::zg::state_t const &) = delete;
\brief Move-assignment operator
tchecker::zg::state_t & operator=(tchecker::zg::state_t &&) = default;
\brief Accessor
\return zone in this state
constexpr inline tchecker::zg::zone_t const & zone() const { return *_zone; }
\brief Accessor
\return zone in this state
constexpr inline tchecker::zg::zone_t & zone() { return *_zone; }
\brief Accessor
\return reference to pointer to the zone in this state
inline tchecker::intrusive_shared_ptr_t<tchecker::zg::shared_zone_t> & zone_ptr() { return _zone; }
\brief Accessor
\return pointer to const zone in this state
inline tchecker::intrusive_shared_ptr_t<tchecker::zg::shared_zone_t const> zone_ptr() const
return tchecker::intrusive_shared_ptr_t<tchecker::zg::shared_zone_t const>(_zone.ptr());
tchecker::intrusive_shared_ptr_t<tchecker::zg::shared_zone_t> _zone; /*!< Zone over clock valuations */
\brief Equality check
\param s1 : state
\param s2 : state
\return true if s1 and s2 have same zone, same tuple of locations and same
valuation of bounded integer variables, false otherwise
bool operator==(tchecker::zg::state_t const & s1, tchecker::zg::state_t const & s2);
\brief Disequality check
\param s1 : state
\param s2 : state
\return true if s1 and s2 have different zones, or different tuples of locations or different valuations of bounded integer
variables, false otherwise
bool operator!=(tchecker::zg::state_t const & s1, tchecker::zg::state_t const & s2);
\brief Equality check for shared states
\param s1 : state
\param s2 : state
\return true if s1 and s2 have same zone, same tuple of locations and same
valuation of bounded integer variables, false otherwise
\note this should only be used on states that have shared internal components: this
function checks pointer equality (not values equality)
bool shared_equal_to(tchecker::zg::state_t const & s1, tchecker::zg::state_t const & s2);
\brief Covering check
\param s1 : state
\param s2 : state
\return true if s1 and s2 have the same tuple of locations and integer
variables valuation, and the zone in s1 is included in the zone in s2, false
bool operator<=(tchecker::zg::state_t const & s1, tchecker::zg::state_t const & s2);
\brief Covering check for shared states
\param s1 : state
\param s2 : state
\return true if s1 and s2 have the same tuple of locations and integer
variables valuation, and the zone in s1 is included in the zone in s2, false
\note this should only be used on states that have shared internal components: this
function checks pointers instead of values when relevant
bool shared_is_le(tchecker::zg::state_t const & s1, tchecker::zg::state_t const & s2);
\brief aLU subsumption check
\param s1 : state
\param s2 : state
\param l : clock lower bounds
\param u : clock upper bounds
\return true if s1 and s2 have the same tuple of locations and integer
variables valuation, and the zone in s1 is included in aLU-abstraction of the
zone in s2, false otherwise
\note this should only be used on states that have shared internal components: this
function checks pointers instead of values when relevant
bool is_alu_le(tchecker::zg::state_t const & s1, tchecker::zg::state_t const & s2, tchecker::clockbounds::map_t const & l,
tchecker::clockbounds::map_t const & u);
\brief aLU subsumption check for shared states
\param s1 : state
\param s2 : state
\param l : clock lower bounds
\param u : clock upper bounds
\return true if s1 and s2 have the same tuple of locations and integer
variables valuation, and the zone in s1 is included in aLU-abstraction of the
zone in s2, false otherwise
\note this should only be used on states that have shared internal components: this
function checks pointers instead of values when relevant
bool shared_is_alu_le(tchecker::zg::state_t const & s1, tchecker::zg::state_t const & s2,
tchecker::clockbounds::map_t const & l, tchecker::clockbounds::map_t const & u);
\brief Hash
\param s : state
\return Hash value for state s
std::size_t hash_value(tchecker::zg::state_t const & s);
\brief Hash for shared states
\param s : state
\return Hash value for state s
\note this should only be used on states that have shared internal components: this function
hashes the pointers (not the values)
std::size_t shared_hash_value(tchecker::zg::state_t const & s);
\brief Lexical ordering on states of the zone graph
\param s1 : a state
\param s2 : a state
\return 0 if s1 and s2 are equal, a negative value if s1 is smaller than s2
w.r.t. lexical ordering on zone,tuple of locations and valuation of bounded
integer variables, a positive value otherwise
int lexical_cmp(tchecker::zg::state_t const & s1, tchecker::zg::state_t const & s2);
\brief Type of shared state
using shared_state_t = tchecker::make_shared_t<tchecker::zg::state_t>;
\brief Type of pointer to shared state
using state_sptr_t = tchecker::intrusive_shared_ptr_t<tchecker::zg::shared_state_t>;
\brief Type of pointer to shared const state
using const_state_sptr_t = tchecker::intrusive_shared_ptr_t<tchecker::zg::shared_state_t const>;
} // end of namespace zg
\class allocation_size_t
\brief Specialization of tchecker::allocation_size_t for class tchecker::zg::state_t
template <> class allocation_size_t<tchecker::zg::state_t> {
\brief Allocation size
\param args : arguments for a constructor of class tchecker::zg::state_t
\return allocation size for objects of class tchecker::zg::state_t
template <class... ARGS> static constexpr std::size_t alloc_size(ARGS &&... args) { return sizeof(tchecker::zg::state_t); }
} // end of namespace tchecker