
275 lines
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\title{Your Title}
\subtitle{Master-Thesis (final presentation)}
\author[Your Name]{Your Name \normalfont(\href{}{})\\
Supervisor: Another name
% Removed department and institute on purpose
%\department{Department 18} % Remove department everywhere
\institute[]{Real-Time Systems Lab} % Removed institute only in footline
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% Introduction
\framesubtitle{Why should anyone be interested in this topic?}
\item Words
\item More
\item Words
\item How to write \textit{more} words?
\item \textbf{You can ask your supervisor for some example slides built with this template.}
You can write text in here, too.
\begin{frame}{What exactly is your topic?}
\item Do not forget to include some nice graphics.
\item You can write noted down here.
\item Use a PDF presentation program like \url{} to get a split-screen while presenting.
\begin{frame}{Problem Description}
\framesubtitle{What is the goal of my thesis?}
% Main part
\section{Main part}
\begin{frame}{A Title}
\framesubtitle{Why build a new XY framework?}
\item \textcolor{TUDa-0c}{Why chose this color? Well $\ldots$}
\item TODO
\begin{frame}{Evaluation Research Questions}
\framesubtitle{How to evaluate the algorithm?}
\item[\textcolor{black}{\textbf{RQ1}}] How does \textit{XY} compare against ZZ in terms of \textbf{BB quality}?
\item[\textcolor{black}{\textbf{RQ2}}] How large is the \textbf{performance gain} of \textit{XY} compared to optimal approaches if we reduce the adherence to optimality step by step?
\item[\textcolor{black}{\textbf{RQ3}}] How does \textit{XY} compare against another \textbf{heuristic approach} taken from literature?
\item More notes for you
\begin{frame}{Evaluation Setup}
\framesubtitle{$\ldots$ is it really faster? (1) - Setup}
\item TODO
\begin{frame}{Evaluation Results}
\framesubtitle{$\ldots$ is it really faster? (2) - Small scenarios}
\item TODO
\begin{frame}{Evaluation Results}
\framesubtitle{$\ldots$ is it really faster? (3) - Large scenarios}
\item TODO
\framesubtitle{What goals/insights were achieved?}
\item This seems to be important
\section{Work to do}
\begin{frame}{Future Work}
\framesubtitle{Further ideas to implement/evaluate}
Thank you for your attention!\\
Any questions?
% Backup slides starting here
\begin{frame}{Backup Slide - Increasing Problem Size}
\framesubtitle{A subtitle}
\item Please notice